Optical Parametric Oscillator Integrated on III-Nitrides Platform – OPOINt
Optical Parametric Oscillator Integrated on III-Nitrides Platform
OPO demonstration based on a III-N platform
To achive an optically pumped optical parametric oscilaltor with III-N waveguides and microrings resonators
III-N epitaxy
Clean room processing
Optical characterizations
Under progress
To be discussed at the end of the project
Under progress
Optical Parametric Oscillators, OPO’s, are mainly used as coherent sources, at wavelengths where no laser exists. They are also very useful when a tunable source is required. As they don’t exist in a compact form such as laser diodes, they have not found yet consumer applications, and they are mainly used for military or scientific applications. On chip, cm’s size Parametric Oscillator would be a game changer and should enable to address many additional applications in spectroscopy, communications, bio-medical studies and sensing. In the OPOINt project, we have gathered a consortium that has all the required expertise to realize such a source using the III-nitride platform and become a leader in the field. In the frame of the project we propose to develop the necessary technologies and demonstrate an integrated OPO pumped around 800 nm and covering all the telecom windows (1.2 – 1.7 µm). We will test different configurations with the objective of having threshold of a few Watts and an output power around 100 mW. This demonstration will be a world-first.
Project coordination
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
C2N Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies
Fresnel Institut Fresnel
INPHYNI Institut de Physique de Nice
Help of the ANR 592,607 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
September 2019
- 48 Months