CE19 - Technologies pour la santé

Microfluidic sorting system for bioprospecting new antibiotics – DEINODROP

Submission summary

Antimicrobial molecules play a major role in modern medicine but resistance is rising and is becoming a major threat. It is therefore crucial that we find new antibiotics in the coming years. The objective of this project is to develop a breakthrough technology using droplet microfluidics for the screening of environmental microorganisms on their ability to produce new antibiotics. We will use reporter strains with reporter genes under the control of stress-induced promoters for screening millions of microorganisms per day. The novelty of the secondary metabolite responsible of the antibiotic activity in the droplet will be evaluated by mass spectrometry and the sorted cell responsible for its production will be sequenced by single-cell whole genome sequencing. The biosynthetic gene cluster producing this metabolite will be identified, cloned in BAC and expressed in bacterial chassis for heterologous expression.

Project coordination

Georges Gaudriault (DEINOVE)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


CBI Chimie, Biologie, Innovation

Help of the ANR 276,432 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: October 2019 - 24 Months

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