CE08 - Matériaux métalliques et inorganiques et procédés associés

EXotic Architectural Materials, Waves, AniSotropy, InStabilities – MAX-OASIS


EXotic Architectural Materials, Waves, AniSotropy, InStabilities

A multiscale approach

The current craze for architectured materials is the result of 3 factors:<br />1. Exceptional properties expected: Studies (experimental, numerical, theoretical) show that in addition to mass gain, the presence of an internal architecture significantly improves certain properties (energy absorption), or even creates others (invisibility cap);<br />2. Shape optimization: Mesostructure design algorithms have emerged that allow a more automatic exploration of the links between architecture and resulting properties;<br /> 3.Additive manufacturing: Manufacturing techniques and their rapid development now make it possible to produce structures with complex internal architectures. <br />However, the exceptional properties expected occur when the scale of mechanical loading is close to that of the mesostructure. Wave propagation and instabilities are situations where the lack of scale separation is necessary for the production of non-standard effects.<br /><br />A streamlined approach to the design of such materials involves an intermediate step in which an equivalent effective medium is substituted for the mesostructure of the material. This effective continuum is first optimized, in order to satisfy a given set of specifications, then deshomogenized to reveal the desired mesostructure.<br />However, the classical framework of homogenization assumes infinite scale separation and is therefore ill-suited to continuous modelling of expected phenomena. Taking into account the effects of mesostructure within a continuous modeling is the scientific lock that this project proposes to remove. The approach developed is based on generalized continuum mechanics supplemented by the use of group theory in order to clarify the role of material symmetries on effective behaviour.

The framework concerns periodic and pseudo-periodic materials and the applications envisaged are, on the one hand, the control of wave propagation (Axis 1) and, on the other hand, the prediction and control of instabilities (Axis 2).In both cases, the architecture of the elementary cell is decisive. Its determination from the target effective properties via an inverse problem of architecture is at the core of Axis 3 of the project. These axes are completed by a transversal axis linked to the development of adapted experimental methods. In details:
1.Elastodynamics of architectured materials: Dynamics adds to the problem of optimizing the distribution of stiffness, that of inertia. Depending on the applications, the different networks may or may not be congruent.
2.Hierarchical instabilities, obtained by a succession of controlled post-bifurcated configurations. This requires an optimization of the crystallographic symmetries of the architectured materials. The applications here concern the adjustment of the multifunctional properties of materials by a change in mesostructure due to instabilities controlled by mechanical loading.
3.The definition of an inverse problem of architecture allowing to determine, for a set of invariants of the given effective material, associated mesostructures. This axis aims both to «dehomogenize« the results obtained in Axes 1 and 2 in order to obtain a real architecture, but also to explore and classify mesostructures associated with exotic elastic anisotropies (2D and 3D standard).
4. Development of experimental methods adapted to architectured materials. Experimental homogenization implies a specific control of boundary conditions. Moreover, instabilities will generate large displacements at the edges requiring the development of appropriate experimental means. This axis will be limited to the static behaviour of architectured materials.

WP1: Complete study of the symmetry properties of the 2D Cosserat linear elasticity and list of associated invariants. This work is important because of the interest of the metamaterial community in this model;

WP2: Development of an automatic tool for the prediction of symmetry subgroups describing the unstable modes attainable by a structure. Development of a test machine for bicompaction buckling is underway and being finalised;

WP3: Development of the theoretical framework for exotic anisotropic elastic materials in 2D. Development of a numerical tool for the determination of associated mesostructures.

WP XP: First experimental homogenisation test on homogeneous materials, validation and calibration of the test device.

WP1: Implementation of an inverse method for the identification of the generalized elastic moduli of an architected material;

WP2: Development of an automatic tool for the prediction of symmetry subgroups describing the unstable modes attainable by a structure. Development of a test machine for bicompaction buckling in progress;

WP3: Determination of 2D exotic mesostructures, printing and experimental validation of the resulting architecturally designed materials. Extension to 3D.

WP XP: Validation of the machine on realistic architected materials.


The current craze for architectured materials results from 3 factors:
1. Expected exceptional properties: Studies (experimental, numerical, theoretical) show that in addition to mass gain, the presence of an internal architecture significantly improves certain properties (energy absorption), or even creates others (invisibility cap);
2. Shape optimization: Mesostructure design algorithms have emerged that allow a more automatic exploration of the links between architecture and resulting properties;
3. Additive manufacturing: Manufacturing techniques and their rapid development now make it possible to produce structures with complex internal architectures.
However, the expected exceptional properties occur when the scale of mechanical loading is close to that of the mesostructure. Wave propagation and instabilities are situations where the lack of scale separation is necessary for producing non-standard effects.
A streamlined approach to the design of such materials involves an intermediate step in which an equivalent effective medium is substituted to the mesostructure of the material. This effective continuum is first optimized, in order to satisfy a given set of specifications, then deshomogenized to reveal the desired mesostructure.
However, the classical framework of homogenization assumes infinite scale separation and is therefore ill-suited to continuous modelling of expected phenomena. Taking into account the effects of the mesostructure within a continuous modeling is the scientific lock this project proposes to remove. The developed approach is based on generalized continuum mechanics supplemented by the use of group theory in order to clarify the role of material symmetries on effective behavior. The framework concerns periodic and pseudo-periodic materials and the considered applications are, on the one hand, control of wave propagation (Axis 1) and, on the other hand, prediction and control of instabilities (Axis 2). In both cases, the architecture of the elementary cell is decisive. Its determination from the target effective properties via an inverse problem of architecture is at the core of Axis 3 of the project. These axes are complemented by a transversal axis linked to the development of adapted experimental methods. In more details:
1. Elastodynamics of architectured materials: Dynamics adds distribution of inertia to the optimization problem that traditionally only deals with distribution of stiffness. Depending on the applications, the various networks may or may not be congruent.
2. Controlled instabilities, obtained by a succession of stable post-bifurcated configurations. This requires an optimization of the crystallographic symmetries of the architectured materials. The applications here concern the adjustment of the multifunctional properties of materials by a change in mesostructure due to instabilities generated by a mechanical loading.
3. The definition of an inverse problem of architecture allowing to determine associated mesostructures, for a set of invariants of the given effective material. This axis aims both at "deshomogenizing" the results obtained in Axes 1 and 2 in order to obtain a real architecture, but also at exploring and classifying mesostructures associated with exotic elastic anisotropies (2D and 3D).
4. Development of experimental methods adapted to architectured materials. Experimental homogenization implies a specific control of boundary conditions. Moreover, instabilities will generate large displacements at the edges requiring the development of appropriate experimental means. This axis will be limited to the static behavior of architectured materials.

Project coordination

Nicolas AUFFRAY (Institut Jean le rond d'Alembert)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


MSME Modélisation et simulation multi-échelle
d'Alembert Institut Jean le rond d'Alembert
LMT Laboratoire de Mécanique et Technologie
PIMM Procédés et Ingénierie en Mécanique et Matériaux

Help of the ANR 551,011 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: March 2020 - 48 Months

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