LabCom V1 - Laboratoires communs organismes de recherche publics – PME/ETI

A new generation of light sheet microscope: mesofluidics and artificial assistant – Phy-ASA2018

Submission summary

The program of BioEmergences-PhaseView Joint Laboratory (LabCom) is the development of an innovative range of microscopes based on the light sheet technologty (SPIM) that meets the specifications of a new integrative biology. The challenge of the field is to found a reconstruction of multi-level dynamics underlying the morphogenesis and physiology of living multicellular systems on their long-term multiscale 3D + time observation. Such observations cannot be made without a constant adjustment of the imaging protocol, coupled with innovative strategies for keeping specimens and patterns of interest in the field of view. No commercial microscope currently offers such specifications. Our originality comes from the know-how of the company and the experience of the laboratory in the field. The next generation of microscopes that will revolutionize an integrative and predictive biology and its applications in biomedicine, pharmacology and toxicology, must integrate the functionality of an artificial assistant and use the properties of microfluidic or mesofluidic systems for accurate manipulation of live specimens.
Our program aims to develop and commercialize a state-of-the-art SPIM in terms of photonic microscopy with novel features that we identify as the future of biology and biomedicine, with a new market for the company and the durability of the joint laboratory, thanks to an original chain value and a solid business model.
At the origin of the Joint Laboratory, PhaseView offers a concept of light sheet generation adaptable to any type of microscope body. This "light sheet extension" concept allows PhaseView to target a little explored niche. Added to this, there is their original adaptive focusing "Thunderscan" concept that achieves maximum 3D acquisition speed without mechanical displacement and targets expanding market segments. BioEmergences brings to the Joint Laboratory a unique knowledge of a wide range of applications of this type of image acquisition device and constraints related to long-term imaging of living organisms. In addition, BioEmergences masters a unique concept of image analysis workflow for the reconstruction of displacements and cellular forms. BioEmergences has in the context of France BioImaging's future investment infrastructure, adapted this concept to real-time image analysis and feedback on the imaging protocol to optimize all parameters. This intelligent microscopy is a necessity to monitor and ajust in real time the acquisition of 3D+time data of developing organisms and tissues. The key steps of Phy-ASA's "artificial assistant SPIM" development program are: the implementation of a complete motorization of xyz displacements and rotation, fine control of temperature and liquid level in the imaging chamber (commercialization 09/2018), simultaneous acquisition of 4 channels (12/2019), development of a Bessel 1-photon and 2-photon light beam (09/2019). In addition to these state-of-the-art functionalities in light microscopy (deadline 12/2019) we will propose the coupling of the microscope to mesofluidic circuits for high-speed imaging of living multicellular systems (small organisms or spheroids with a size between 100 µm and 5 mm) and an artificial assistant concept integrating image analysis and modification of real-time acquisition modalities with three levels of functionalities: low 12/2018, medium 12/2019, high 12/2020. Our products have a high differential value in a growing market to meet the demand for high-throughput, high-content photonic microscopy.

Project coordination

Nadine Peyriéras (BioEmergences)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


BioEmergences-France BioImaging BioEmergences

Help of the ANR 300,000 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: September 2018 - 36 Months

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