Computer sciences at school : conceptualizations, accompanying, resources – IECARE
Computer science in schools: conceptualization, support, resources
We are mainly interested in the question of how to articulate different contents in a progressive way throughout the first three school cycles in french curriculum. This may lead to constitute a teachable corpus, coherent with the teaching expectations of the different levels concerned.
Understand the conditions of a school computer education and produce resources for teachers
The main objective of this research is to understand and propose sustainable conditions and modalities for teaching computer science in primary school. We will favor a curricular point of view and we will especially be interested in the question of how to articulate different contents of<br />gradually throughout the first three school cycles to build a workable corpus consistent with the expectations of the different levels concerned.<br /><br />This question is important in the project. It is all the more keenly felt that if the social and educational expectation is to train enlightened citizens, understanding the actions they carry out in computerized environments, everyone should be able to benefit from this acculturation. Compulsory education, nursery school, elementary school and middle school are therefore, by effect of continuity of learning, inextricably involved in the IE-CARE project.
In progress:
- classroom observation
- interviews with teachers and students
- development of a collaborative resource development methodology with teachers
- classroom observation of resources developed in the project
in progress
Regarding the research areas, the project set two major objectives:
- An objective of studying existing practices and representations, before our training actions and outside of the scenarios and tools that we seek to develop;
- A goal of design and development of tools, through collaborative processes with trainers and teachers.
The first objective gave rise to several research fields, already underway, even if they were stopped by the confinement and closure of schools. The second objective made it possible to propose first scenarios and to propose first instrumented devices, which will be tested during the rest of the project.
Preparatory work was carried out, such as an inventory of resources, and analyzes of textbooks. This research has already given rise to partial publications, articles in leading journals are being submitted.
- co-organization of an international conference
- organization of 6 seminars or open study days
- 5 meetings of all partners (1 or 2 days)
- 1 book
- 3 review articles
- 10 papers in conferences
- 12 articles or popular science communication
The main aim of the ie-care project is to understand and propose conditions and sustainable modalities for teaching an informatic curriculum in compulsory education. One of the main interest will be on how to progressively articulate different contents throughout the three first French school cycles.
This project has a pluridisciplinary character, associating researchers in the humanities, in social sciences and in informatics. It will follow three main axes, guiding itself on a transversal task aiming at insuring convergence in the research work.
• The first axis aims at identifying teachable concepts and pedagogical practice The second axis, correlated with the first one, aims at designing, testing and validating pedagogical scenarios and resources allowing students to efficiently learn these contents both in primary school and junior high school
• The third axis focuses on building a framework for accompanying teachers and trainers in informatics
The IE-CARE project therefore aims at developing a culture in informatics as well as a technical culture including schemes of professional development for primary teachers and people in charge of supervising teachers’ action.
The axes and tasks identified:
Axis 1: Analysis of the representations and practices of teachers and students concerning computer science and its teaching and learning processes
• Task 1.1: Analysis of teachers' practices and representations
• Task 1.2: Analysis of student ownership in proposed learning situations
Axis 2: Integrated scenarios and resources for teaching and learning computer science.
• Task 2.1: Development of integrated and validated learning scenarios
• Task P1: sharing of integrated scenarios, production of computerized environments to learn
• Task 2.2: constitution of "digital suitcases", making it possible to constitute "capacitive" environments
Transversal Task Axes 1 and 2 (TT): extraction of teachable content, curricular and instrument proposals
Axis 3: Training and support mechanisms: actors and organizations
• Task 3.1: The training of teachers in computer science: state of the art, analysis of training devices and representations of actors.
• Task 3.2: proposal of a training device to support primary school actors in computer science teaching, through research
Project coordination
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
LIP6 Laboratoire d'informatique de Paris 6
Help of the ANR 346,464 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
December 2018
- 36 Months