CE09 - Nanomatériaux et nanotechnologies pour les produits du futur

Programmable Fluorogenic Probes for Super-Resolution Imaging – PFPImaging

Submission summary

The PFPImaging project describes the milestones and the collaborations needed for the synthesis of fluorescent fluorogenic probes for a better super-resolution imaging of cellular targets. The state of the arts describes the existent methodologies and their insufficiencies. PFPImaging answers to the described bottlenecks when following specific research blueprints. The new blinking probes are specific, more bright and exquisitely tuned and adaptable for the super-resolution imaging of nucleic acid and protein targets. The collaborations are describing the expertise of each partner: e.g. fluorescent nucleic acid chemistry for the project leader and molecular photo-physical detection and imaging in vitro and in cellulo. We likewise pursue the aim to considerably improve the visualization of cellular tubulin to confirm our new tool’s performances. In the future, these new tools the method is generalizable to the observation of proteins and nucleic acids of cytoplasm, nucleus and other cellular compartments.

Project coordination

Alain Burger (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis - Institut de Chimie de Nice)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


LBP Laboratoire de Bioimagerie et Pathologies
UNS - ICN Université Nice Sophia Antipolis - Institut de Chimie de Nice

Help of the ANR 370,094 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: September 2018 - 48 Months

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