DS07 - Société de l'information et de la communication

RichEr VidEo for Richer creativitY – ReVeRY

Submission summary

The ReVeRY project will design a specific GRID OF CAMERAS, a cost-efficient system that acquires at once several viewpoints under several exposures and will convert a multiview, multiexposed, video stream into a high quality rich media. In the last two decades, industries and researchers proposed significant advances in media content acquisition systems in three main directions: increase of resolution and image quality with the new ultra-high-definition (UHD) standard; stereo capture for 3D content; and high-dynamic range (HDR) imaging. Compression, representation, and interoperability of these new media are active research fields in order to reduce data size and be perceptually accurate. The creative industries face issues associated to limited possibilities offered by current media. The traditional acquisition pipeline uses and outputs video streams, either UHD, stereo or HDR. After shooting, possible changes on the media (i.e., viewpoint, framing, aperture, lighting) are limited which may force a film director to shoot the scene again if any changes are necessary. For now, a pre-shooting choice is made according to the nature of the media to capture (2D, stereo, or HDR) depending on the foreseen use. However, these choices are currently never jointly offered.
A major breakthrough of the project is to resolve jointly HDR and depth reconstruction. The ReVeRY project UHD and HDR will endow the produced media with geometrical and color precision and quality surpassing current video media formats. Its very nature will furthermore conveniently allow new usages, such as reframing, free viewpoint, and relighting at both postproduction and visualization stages and facilitate live adaptation to different types of displays: theatre, TV, Cloud, HDR or not, 2D or 3D. This later feature makes the new media truly versatile according to consumption conditions.
The huge market investments in virtual reality (VR) are positioning it as a plain new media. VR immersive screens are today very limited, only trapping the user in a sphere's center of 2D multiaxial images. The virtual cameras of virtual reality propose 360° viewing of a poor and only concave 3D transcriptions. A "liberated" VR requires the creation of convex 3D reconstruction tools using specific camera’s organization for 3D scanning of real environments and moving actors, giving the user total freedom of visualization through unlimited positioning and adaptive resolutions of a true virtual camera (stereoscopic or not).
ReVeRY wants to remedy the lack of a joint representation of the different media formats discussed above. This project aims at providing solutions to replace the traditional video media (mono, stereoscopic or 360°) by a richer data stream overcoming all previously listed bottlenecks. This richer media will jointly embed UHD, HDR, and Depth information in a dedicated format. The project will (i) propose this new media along with one or more suitable representations, (ii) develop a demonstrative prototype of a dedicated acquisition system, and (iii) prove their benefits to media creation industry. The project will enable versatile postproduction and re-usability of single shootings of live action under less-restrained range of lighting intensities (e.g., outdoor scenes). Its outcome is important with a twofold impact: (i) societal (for consumers and experts), by increasing content quality and (ii) economical, by reducing production costs. Ultimately, the creation approach will evolve to provide a completely new experience of screen viewing to the public.

Project coordination


The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


IRISA Institut de recherche en informatique et systèmes aléatoires IRISA
Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes

Help of the ANR 663,630 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: November 2017 - 48 Months

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