Age-Specific Wellbeing- and Transfer Accounts: Evaluating Intergenerational Support – AgeWellAccounts
Our project aims at the provision of data and methods to evaluate institutions of intergenerational support across European countries. In the first step, we built a National Wellbeing and Transfer Account (NWTA) as combination of age-specific information on important dimensions of wellbeing and National Transfer Accounts. This new dataset contains comprehensive age-specific information on the economic situation of people, the way they are spending their time, their health and their subjective wellbeing together with information on the design of intergenerational support systems. In particular, our dataset allows an exploration of the relation between wellbeing and the organization of intergenerational support.
In the second step, based on the NWTA, as well as on additional micro-data and experiments, we carry out a detailed analysis how the different dimensions of wellbeing change over the life course, identify the main determinants that influence wellbeing variables at each stage of life and explore the relation between wellbeing and intergenerational support.
The project is structured into three work packages that capture the following dimensions of wellbeing: (1) the economic situation, (2) the use of time, (3) health, happiness and subjective life satisfaction. Research will be conducted in close collaboration between the Vienna Institute of Demography, the Paris School of Economics and Sapienza University of Rome.
Project coordination
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
Sapienza Universit? di Roma
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Help of the ANR 212,160 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
December 2016
- 36 Months