The stakes of heritagization: the tourist producing machine of cultural heritage in the context of globalisation: global models, identity shifts, hybridizations – PATRIMONDI
The PATRIMONDI project explores how the dynamics of the heritagization interferes with tourism motilities and global circulation (of people, ideas, capital. The analysis is underpinned by the assumption of a new regime of heritagization characterized by a co-production of heritage by tourism in the context of globalization.
The project aims at going beyond the classical analysis of the continuous enlargement of the heritage field, in order to define and analyze the contemporary and new ways of heritage production. The neologism of patrimondialisalion (worldheritagization) , by his assonance between heritage(patrimoine) and globalization (mondialisation),proposes a critical reexamination of the historical interference between heritage and national construction in favor of the globalization trough heritage. The project innovates by addressing together, and in their mutual co-construction the dynamics of globalization heritage and tourism which are traditionally conceptualized by
The aim is to deconstruct the traditional positions between heritage and tourism on the one hand; heritage and globalization on the other hand, too often reduced to an opposition territorialisation-singularity versus deterritorialisation-homogenization, and to move the issue to the construction of a global heritage. Such an approach based on heritage and tourist concepts, notions, norms and practices that circulate (and sometimes hybridize) in a global scale, relativizes the usual heritage conceptions North-South.
The proposed methodology is comparative. The selection of 5 emblematic sites of globalization of heritage and through heritage
[3 sites inscribed on the list of World heritage of UNESCO (Angkor, Old Quebec, Marrakech), 1exemple inscribed on the list of intangible World heritage of UNESCO (Tango), a national heritage produced by internationalization (the international concessions of Tianjin, in China)] aims at exploring the complex relationship between the different scales (including local, national and global) that both produce heritage and is produced by heritage.
These 5 examples will be analyzed according to a cross-in order to identify the 'nodes', the ‘gateways' or the 'limits’ of how they fit in the context of globalization. While anchoring in the contemporaneity, the proposed approach will also address the dynamic constitution of globalization ('worlding" according to Cochrane and Passmore, 2001) of heritage assets, in the past (analysis of the heritage ‘Genealogy' the through a geohistorical approach) and in the future (prospective approach).
The generalization of fieldwork research (carried out following a qualitative methodology: interviews observation written sources, archives) done on the 5 selected heritage examples will be facilitated by the quantitative analysis of all the 1007 sites (in 2014) of the world heritage of UNÉSCO via the social networks (analysis of several thousands of photographs and comments posted by tourists and visitors).This analysis aims at capturing the circulation of representations and practices of heritage visions.
In a context where tourism becomes a "common phenomenon' according to Lussault ( 2007),and where heritage i s structured as global network ( a 'heritagescape’ according to DiGiovine, 2009) - also through tourism practices and representations the parallel analysis of heritage and tourism in and by globalization represents a major political, geopolitical, economic identity and cultural issues which need to be explored at both the local and the global scales. This
is the aim of this project whose implications are both theoretical (exploration and analysis of the concept of patrimondialisation (worldheritagization) and operational (management of heritage properties which are more an ore globalized and globalizing).
Project coordination
Maria GRAVARI-BARBAS (Equipe Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur le Tourisme)
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
EA EIREST 7337 Equipe Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur le Tourisme
OACC Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, Observatoire de la Chine Contemporaine
UMR CITERES 7324 UMR CItés, TERritoires, Environnement et Sociétés
UMR AUSser 3329 Architecture Urbanisme Sociétés : Savoirs Enseignement Recherche
Help of the ANR 299,701 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
September 2015
- 42 Months