AORS - Arctic Observing and Research for Sustainability

ARCTIC climate change and its impact on Environment, infrastructures and Resource Availability – Arctic-ERA

Submission summary

ARCTIC-ERA will address critical aspects of human well-being and sustainable use of Arctic infrastructure and resources under the conditions of
regionally accelerating global warming. The ongoing and projected significant changes in the Arctic atmosphere, sea ice, and ocean will be expressed
through integrated impact factors such as storminess, coastal erosion, icing of ships and marine structures, duration of the navigation period,
requirements for heating and warmth of houses, construction and transportation safety standards, and access to natural resources. This will make it
possible to develop recommendations on adaptation of coastal settlements and ports, transportation, fishery, oil and gas exploitation to the ongoing
and future changes and mitigation of their negative effects, and to identify new opportunities associated with the "Opening of the Arctic". Using
meteorological, cryospheric, oceanographic, and geophysical data (both observations and reanalyzes) for the post-1950 period, we will derive time
series of Climatic Variables critical for Social and Economic Activities (CVSEAs). These time series characterizing the environment, industrial
activities and human well-being will be further analyzed along with the output of the CMIP5 project with a view of developing probabilistic
multidecadal projections of CVSEAs. An assessment of the current status of the economy and societal well-being of population of the settlements in
the Arctic as well as forward projections of this status will result in recommendations on how to minimize the negative consequences of projected
changes and to benefit from emerging opportunities. The project outcomes will be of direct relevance to future IPCC and Arctic Council assessments
and to national Climate Change and Sustainability Reports. They will also represent significant value to such agencies as hydrometeorological
services, shipping companies, and many other Arctic operators involved in issues related to environment, health, and natural resources.

Project coordination

Olga Zolina (Université Joseph Fourier - Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'environnement)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS
Hydrology Science and Services, Inc. (HS&S)
Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russia Academy of Sciences (IEFRAS)
The George Washington University
UJF - LGGE Université Joseph Fourier - Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'environnement

Help of the ANR 293,999 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: March 2015 - 60 Months

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