Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) abundance estimation in the north-western Mediterranean sea through an integrated modeling and data analysis approach based on fisheries-independent data – BLUEMED
New methods for the abundance estimate of bluefin and tropical tuna using an integrated<br />approach based on fisheries-independent data
The project BLUEMED aims at providing novel fisheries-independent indicators of abundance for Atlantic Bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean sea and for tropical tuna in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean
The specific objectives of the project are:<br />1. Developing a field-based model of bluefin tuna/tropical tuna vertical/horizontal behavior in the NWM/in the Atlantic and Indian ocean, respectively. This model will allow connecting the individual behavior recorded by electronic tags to the observations at the population level obtained from aerial survey and echosounder buoys/drone surveys.<br />2. Studying the role of the possible correlations between vertical and horizontal behavior, school/FAD aggregation size and environmental variables (such as sea surface fronts) in the ABFT/tropical tuna detectability.<br />3. Collecting and analyzing new field data based on electronic tagging technologies.<br />4. Providing advice for future experimental protocols in aerial surveys/echosounder buoys deployments.<br />5. Deriving a fisheries-independent abundance indicator for bluefin and tropical tuna based upon the integration of field data within the model and estimating its uncertainty.
- electronic tagging
- aerial surveys
-echosounder bouys
- modeling
.Rodriguez-Tress P, Capello M, Forget F, Soria M, Beeharry SP, Dussooa N, Dagorn L (2017) Associative behavior of
yellowfin Thunnus albacares, skipjack Katsuwonus pelamis, and bigeye tuna T. obesus at anchored fish aggregating devices (FADs) off the coast of Mauritius. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 570:213- 222.).
2. Capello, M. Deneubourg J-L., Robert M., Holland K. M, Schaefer K. M.& Dagorn L. Population assessment of tropical tuna based on their associative behavior around foating objects. Sci. Rep. 6, 36415 ; doi : 10.1038/srep36415 (2016).
Rodriguez-Tress P, Capello M, Forget F, Soria M, Beeharry SP, Dussooa N, Dagorn L (2017) Associative behavior of
yellowfin Thunnus albacares, skipjack Katsuwonus pelamis, and bigeye tuna T. obesus at anchored fish aggregating devices (FADs) off the coast of Mauritius. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 570:213- 222.).
2. Capello, M. Deneubourg J-L., Robert M., Holland K. M, Schaefer K. M.& Dagorn L. Population assessment of tropical tuna based on their associative behavior around foating objects. Sci. Rep. 6, 36415 ; doi : 10.1038/srep36415 (2016).
Atlantic Bluefin tuna (ABFT) constitutes the archetypal example of overfishing and need for effective management policies. The recent regulatory measures of the rebuilding plan have introduced extensive changes in the spatio-temporal patterns of the ABFT fisheries, thus significantly affecting the fisheries-dependent indices traditionally employed for its stock assessment in the Mediterranean sea. This project’s aim is to answer the current needs of alternative methods for the population assessment of ABFT in the Mediterranean Sea. It introduces new research paths in the field of fisheries science, through the development and application of modeling approaches coupled to fisheries-independent data (electronic tagging and aerial surveys) for the derivation of indicators usable to assess the status of ABFT populations. This project will be in line with the Marie Curie fellowship scheme that the EU granted me two years ago, which contributed to my mobility outside France and to the creation of a strong network of collaboration within Europe and the USA. As a junior researcher, I have made proof of excellence in multidisciplinary and highly ambitious projects. This project will provide me with the necessary funding for constituting a research team working on the ambitious objective of coupling modeling to field data analyses in France. In this respect, this project will certainly contribute to my career path and my intention of integrating the UMR EME as a permanent researcher.
Project coordination
Manuela Capello (Ecosystèmes Marins Exploités)
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
EME Ecosystèmes Marins Exploités
Help of the ANR 274,248 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
November 2014
- 48 Months
Useful links
- List of selected projects
- Website of the project Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) abundance estimation in the north-western Mediterranean sea through an integrated modeling and data analysis approach based on fisheries-independent data
- Permanent link to this summary on the ANR website (ANR-14-ACHN-0002)
- See the publications in the HAL-ANR portal