Innovation in Services for Frail People – InnoServ
The objective of this project is to understand and support the strategies for service innovation of the private, public and associative actors who offer health services to fragile persons.
InnovServ aims to assess the situation concerning service offers to fragile persons, propose different types of actions to the actors responsible for supporting fragile persons, and help them in their strategic thinking using an approach based on service innovation with a technological and human dimension (simple, reliable, efficient and cheap technologies, called low-tech).
We must therefore focus on the issue of innovation and quality of the services offered to fragile persons, the underlying business models and the benefits expected for the patients (even if they may not immediately benefit from the potential results of the project).
It is consequently relevant to analyze the importance given to technologies in the existing services, their impact on the quality of services (for example care) before studying the role of technologies in the new services that will be proposed to the players. So we should not focus on the concept of innovation but understand the necessity of service innovation and the balance between the human and technological resources to be used.
The question of the business models that underlies the approach of actors and their position within the ecosystem of the health service will be the key to contribute to this thinking (the idea is to work on rational and low-cost organizational modes).
In a French health system where the breakdown of roles between public, private and associative actors is being reorganized, we must highlight the evolution of the ecosystem in which the actors offer services to fragile persons, while giving to these players operational results compatible with a quality offer to final users. The objective is to help fragile persons (patients, elderly people, disabled people, pregnant women…) to be more autonomous at home, and for a longer time.
The project is structured around four research tasks (plus one management task):
- A task of overview/analysis of the situation to list the various services offered to fragile persons, and the actors of the ecosystem.
- A hands-on task to understand the stakes of the operators who are partners of the project and offer associative, public and private services, to help them in their strategic thinking and processes of service innovation.
- A task of analysis to explain the global dynamics of the mutations of the service offer to fragile persons, the type of services expected by these persons together with the strategies and business models of the players responsible for this offer.
- An implementation task to use these results in order to establish prospective scenarios relative to the evolution of the sector and its stakes, in terms of social consideration of fragile persons, quality of service expected but also social choices resulting from global constraints or political decisions. On the basis on these results, we will draw up recommendations for political leaders and service operators to help them better understand the changes in the ecosystem and guide their strategic choices.
These four tasks will support three thematic deliverables over three one-year periods:
1/ services and service quality.
2/ strategies and business models of organizations.
3/ system of support for fragile persons.
Project coordination
VERDIER Christine (Université)
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
CG38 Conseil Général de l'Isère
LCIS Laboratoire de Conception et d'Intégration des Systèmes
CHU Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Grenoble
CERAG Centre d Etudes et de Recherches Appliquées à la Gestion
PACTE Politiques publiques, Action politique, Territoires
G-SCOP Laboratoire des Sciences pour la Conception, l'Optimisation et la Production
INNOVACS Innovation, Connaissances et Société
Help of the ANR 280,000 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
February 2012
- 36 Months