Bio-E - Bioénergies

Vineyard biomass for glass furnaces via a gasification process – BIOVIVE





Submission summary

The project aims at replacing,in a glass melting process, fossil fuels by biomass, in particular Champagne vineyard biomass. An existing staged gasification technology will be adapted to enable the production of synthesis gas compatible with its use in glass melting. A consortium of 5 partners will each contribute their specific competencies to respond to the scientific and technical questions implied by the project : 1) Vinewood resource management taking into account the availability of the different categories of vinewood, its collection and preparation, soil maintenance and the overall environmental balance. 2) The production of synthesis gas, with a composition adapted to its use in a glass furnace, using a staged fixed bed gasification reactor with ligno cellulose biomass 3) The characteristics of synthesis gas flames as a function of gas composition, under the operating conditions of combustion in a container glass furnace 4) The coupling of the reactor with an industrial glass furnace at a limited substitution rate (5% to 10%) 5) The necessary conditions to enable synthesis gas substitution rates of 50% and more.

Project coordination

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


Help of the ANR 0 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: - 0 Months

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